We have been learning about Making a Difference. I chose to make this poster because I want to help abandoned pets. I hope that all abandoned pets will have a better future.
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Friday, 23 June 2017
Saving Abandoned Pets
In order for animals to love a happy and healthy life they need the five freedom. If you don’t give animals food or water they will starve to death.
Secondly All animals need shelter ,If a dog is outside and has nowhere to go he or she could get sick and we don’t want any animals to die.
Thirdy,many animals go to SPCA because they get hurt or get a disease and need need medical care.If you find a stranded animal in the middle of the road pick the animal up and take it to the SPCA.
lastly many animals are scared and have fear and distress if humans go to a cat or a dog and they are scared of you you should love them and understand how it might feel. There are four pillars and they are emotional well being social well being physical well being and spiritual well being they help by telling us what well being. Animals need to live a full and healthy life.
Animals need to have access outside to interact socially with other animals and have to run around where they live.
To help support animals you could start off by giving your animals the the five freedom next you could donate money to an animal welfare
agency i recommend WWF, paws or the Spca finally you could support the agency letting your friends or family know about the five freedom.
Every animal should have the rights to be happy and live a healthy life
By: Nishita
Make a difference- Allana
All animals need the five freedoms to live happy and healthy lives. The five freedoms are freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behavior and freedom from fear and distress.
People have to make sure they give their pet the right amount of food and water. For example a rabbit needs to eat food and drink water. Every pet needs to have shelter.
When people own pets it’s their responsibility to care for them. A dog should be walked every day for one or two hours. There are different types of pets like Cats, Dogs, Birds, Fish, Rabbits, Guinea pigs, Rats and Mice. It would be a good choice if people choose a Budgie or a Parrot if they want a bird.
People who hunts wild animals should stop because what happens if they hunt too many? They become extinct. Everyone knows that wild animals are being hunted because they are using animal fur, skin and horns (rhino horns) for blankets, clothes, jewellery, medicine and bags.
This is for the people hunts wild animals. PLEASE STOP HUNTING THEM!!! Why can’t they use handmade material for stuff that people make?
Make a Difference- Jiya
Make a difference
I believe we should save animals and we need to use the five freedoms because the animals will be happy and safe. Every
Animal should visit the vet.
Pets should have shelter when it’s hot or rainy. When an animal feels scared or cold you should give it love and give them comfort. If you notice that your pet is feeling sick they should go to the vet. Every
Animal should get the right amount of food. If you don’t give your animal enough it will become weak.
We need to help S.P.C.A and to raise money for the animals because some need help. You can help spread messages around to save ‘animals’ because everyone will know why we save animals. Some people should volunteer to save animals. We can tell people about the five freedoms for all animals.
To help make a difference to animals that need a second chance, you can donate to an animal welfare agency. You can get advice from the internet and ask your local vet for help. We can help by adopting a pet after some research about that pet.
Every animal should have the rights and be happy.
By Jiya
Make a Difference- Sharlene
I think that animals care.You should always make them happy by giving them the five freedoms which are the freedom from hunger and thirst, Freedom from discomfort, Freedom from pain, injury and disease and Freedom to express normal behaviour and Freedom from fear and distress.
I strongly believe that cruelty to animals is a very bad idea. Animals will need the freedom from hunger and thirst. They will need food and water to survive. If you have pets you should give them the freedom from discomfort. They will need good warm and comfortable shelters. You should be kind to animals and take them for walks don’t leave them locked in small cages or tight garage. Animals need to express their normal behaviour.
Secondly some of our responsibilities include not giving the wrong food to animals or drinks. You should not give junk food like chocolate or fizzy drinks to your pets or other animals they could became sick you should take abandend pets and make them feel like home. How you eat three times daily you should feed your pet too.
My opinion is you should provide fundraising money to the SPCA or other agencies, volunteer to save animals and spread a message around save animals don’t kill them You should teach them the five freedoms which are freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort,freedom from pain injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear and distress.
If you think want a pet don’t go to a shop adopt an abandoned pet at the animal shelter first.
Make a difference
Make a difference-Shrey
(Animal kingdom)
In order for an animal to live a happy and healthy life they need the five freedoms. These are the keys to every animal, life and one shouldn't be missing. The five freedoms are freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour last but not least freedom from fear and distress. To achieve the first two freedoms animals should be fed and given water regularly. Animals shouldn’t be disoriented or in discomfort e.g make them a little house or buy them one and add blankets and pillows or just let them stay in the house. To achieve the next two freedoms, if animals get hurt or injured don’t think they will heal themselves, take them to the vet, if you can’t try to help them yourselves. Let animals express normal behavior let them be outside if cats want to sleep let them sleep, if dogs want to run around let them run around. Because if you lock them up in one place there going to develop some mental health. Finally don’t scare your pet because they won’t play with you and every time you come around they will hide or even worse run away.
These are our responsibilities as pet owners when it comes down to caring for animals. The four pillars the physical, mental, spiritual and social well being. The physical well being relates to animals so they can exercise. The mental well being relates to animals so they are always challenged, solve puzzles play games and play games. Spiritual well being relates to animals so if they are treated wrong their spirit will be angry. Finally social well being relates to by them having a friend or a life partner not them being locked up all the time.
The actions I can take to help animals are. Getting a pet and giving it the five freedoms. I can also donate to local agencies, the final helping hand can give is trying to persuade people that animals aren’t terrible creatures but they are nature's gifts.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Make a Difference- Shane.T
Make a Difference
I strongly feel that we should help animals on our planet. We can continue to do this by trying to give the Five Freedoms to all animals in the world.
All animals need to live happy and healthy lives. Firstly animals need food and water and that refers to freedom from hunger and thirst. This means providing the proper amount of food and water for your pet or animal. They also need shelter to sleep in and to be protected from the rain.
We have killed way too many animals so they will become endangered we can help animals with the SPCA. they help sick animals to be healthy in a way for humans to care for them
All animals need love and understanding. I would love to give money to a charity but it's too much for a kid. If you had money would you give it to charity or a homeless dog trying to swim? If you have no answer then I would pick a homeless dog and save it and give it to these three company services like WWF,PAWS,and SPCA.
The freedoms are freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain and injury or disease, freedom from fear and distress and freedom to express normal behaviour.
Our responsibilities are to feed our pets the right amount of food so they don't get too big or too skinny and get sick. We can donate dog toys, cat toys and heaps more toys to companies that look after other animals. Animal agencies have a job to look after animals.
By Shane
By Shane
Make a difference
Make a difference
In order for an animal to live a happy healthy life they need the five freedoms.the freedoms are freedom from hunger and thirst freedom, from discomfort and freedom from pain injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear and distress.the first freedom means to always give your pet the right amount of food and always have water available for your pet. The second freedom means have a clean environment and a place to stay. The third freedom means to have regular checkups at the vet to make sure your animal is healthy. The fourth freedom means to let the animal do what they usually do in the wild so they can express their normal behaviour. The last freedom means that all animals shouldn’t be really scared around their owners.
Secondly some of our responsibilities include the four pillars which are social well being, spiritual well being physical well being, and mental well being. Social well being refers to interacting with other animals. Mental well being is to being nice your pet. Physical well being is to give your pets room to play and give them lots of exercise and spiritual well being relates to being aware of their surroundings such as home.
We can take action with animal welfare by sharing with people what the five freedoms are and mean also you could support an agency like WWF, PAWS and Black sheep.
Make a Difference- Joseph
Make a difference
It makes sense that to look after and treat an animal equally, you have to give them the five freedoms. People's have a responsibility in looking after an animal, lastly making a difference for animals.
In order for an animal to be happy, healthy and active,you need to give it the five freedoms that all animals deserve. The five freedoms are, freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort;give them appropriate shelter, freedom from pain, injury and disease; take them to the vet daily, freedom from fear and distress; give them love and understanding and lastly freedom to express natural behavior; give them free space to express behavior. These are the five freedoms that every animal deserves. If they don't have one of these freedoms or any of them, the structure would collapse. This is why every animal should have all the freedoms. Even for us!
An animal needs a suitable owner who gives love, food, water, health care, shelter and to give the animal space because pet owner’s change animals lives. If people can be more responsible, the animals will not suffer from hunger, thirst, discomfort, injuries, disease or fear and distress. People have a lot of roles in caring for the health and wellbeing of an animal.
Making a difference for animals
Making a difference for animals
In order for animals to live a happy healthy life they need the five freedoms. Which are freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort shelter, freedom from pain injury or disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear and distress.in order to achieve the first freedom you have to provide your animal regularly provide your animal with food and clean water. For the second freedom you have to provide your animal with a safe shelter and has to be proper like you wouldn’t give a cat a fish tank to live in or a fish a kennel to stay in so be very careful with what you choose for the welfare of your animal. If you want to prevent diseases or illness you may want to have regular checkups with a nearby vet to make sure your animal stays healthy. For a cat sleeping is expressing normal behaviour and for a dog running and going for walks would be regular. Some animals need love and it is our duty to make sure we provide animals with this freedom so they don’t get really lonely.
Our responsibilities as humans are to make sure that as well as the five freedoms animals also get the four pillars which are social well being, spiritual well being, mental well being and physical well being.social well being means having friends and family so you don’t get lonely. Spiritual well being relates to self awareness so the animal is aware of its surroundings such as home and where i am not aloud to go. Mental well being is to help exercise their brain by giving the puzzles to complete like find your food. Physical well being means to have regular exercise to keep your pet fit and healthy.
To help support pets you could start off by giving them the five freedoms. next you could donate money to an animal welfare agency suggestions are :WWF, PAWS or the SPCA.Finally you could support animals by telling your friends and family about the five freedoms.
Making a difference
Monday, 19 June 2017
Make a difference task
Make a difference
All animals need the the five freedoms to live happy and healthy lives. We have to make sure that all animals have a healthy well being.
All animals need food and water to stay alive. I feel that all animals have to be fit and they have to express their normal behaviour. All animals need the freedom from discomfort because they need shelter from the rain and blazing hot sun. I know that every animal has to
Have the freedom from fear and distress. Finally all animals need the freedom from pain, injury, and disease so they need to visit the vet regularly.
In order for all animals to live they all need to get fed. We need to give them clean water. We all are suppose to check in on our animals that they have no diseases or have injuries or pain. We all have to make sure that our pet has a nice tidy environment to play around in.
Lastly I believe that we should all tell people about the five freedoms. We can all take action by giving money to charities that help animal welfare. We can also make sure that our animals have all of the freedoms.
Make a Difference
Make a difference task
All animals need the 5 freedoms in order to live healthy and happy live.
The first freedom animals need is freedom from hunger and thirst. If they don’t have food and water than they will starve throughout the day. Secondly animals need freedom from discomfort so they can be protected from predators,sun,wind and rain. Thirdly they will need freedom from pain and injury or disease because they can get sick or ill and getting scars. Next all animals need to express normal behaviours. All animals needs some exercise in their lives because it can help with normal interaction with others. Lastly, all animals need the freedom from fear and distress because from time to time they may become anxious and afraid. They all need love and understanding.
There are many responsibilities for having a pet.The first responsibilities for having a pet is giving them food and water so they can stay hydrated. The second freedom your pet needs is shelter so it can be protected from the rain and sun. Thirdly, your pet needs medical care so they won’t get sick. Lastly, your pet needs love and understanding so they won’t be in fear and distress
We can take action with animal welfare by sharing with people what the 5 freedoms are, support an animal welfare agency like WWF, PAWS, SPCA and Black Sheep.
By Tracy
Making a difference- Jonathan
😁Making a difference😁
We as humans are one of the most vicious creatures on the planet because we are always tearing down habitats and killing hundreds and thousands of animals,some so much we drove them to extinction. So what can we do to help make animals last longer?
Firstly, I believe that we should start using the five freedoms, these are freedom from fear and distress,freedom from pain injury and disease freedom from hunger and thirst freedom from discomfort and freedom to express normal behavior. Imagine you were a homeless pet with no shelter or food and water,how would you feel? Sad? Lonely? Well this is this is what pets without the five freedoms are feeling.
This is why we need the five freedoms.
Secondly,everybody has a responsibility to animal welfare and one of them is if you had a pet to take full responsibility for it. One of these is to feed it everyday,give it plenty of water (if its a dog,bunny,cat,hamster,gerbil etc.)(and if it's a fish,well...it,needs water anyway) and if its a dog plenty of exercise. Plus every animal needs space to move around I mean it's like this you take a dog just you just put in a cage,you take a fish you and you just pop it in a cup this is exactly what you don't do* while also making sure it has lot's of shelter and love.
finally I strongly agree that what we could do to help animals would be by donating and supporting organisations created to help animals in need and trying to get people to start supporting the five freedoms like the SPCA,PAWS,IFAW and WWF.
I hope these ideas will help you to save and protect animals in the future.
Make a difference - Aryi Telfer
Make a difference
All animals have the same need - the 5 freedoms. They need to eat & drink so they won't be dehydrated or starving. Animals also need a comfortable shelter to stay in. Making sure that pets/animals have the freedom from pain, injury or disease is very important for their health. You can do this by seeing a veterinarian. If they get hurt badly they will need support. All of them need to feel, act like their normal selves. All animals need love, either from a human or even another animal.
There are many different agencies that speak for animals and help animals that are in need. Some stray animals don't have homes & the SPCA helps them. There are 4 well - beings that are called the 4 pillars. These pillars are mental and emotional, social, physical, and spiritual well - being. Sadly some animals don't have these well - beings or the five freedoms.
These are some actions that we can take to help. One of these are, if you want a pet, head to the local SPCA or Animal shelter. If you're thinking of owning a pet, prepare a spot for inside and outside and a path between the two always open for it. There should always be a supply of food and water.
There are many different agencies that speak for animals and help animals that are in need. Some stray animals don't have homes & the SPCA helps them. There are 4 well - beings that are called the 4 pillars. These pillars are mental and emotional, social, physical, and spiritual well - being. Sadly some animals don't have these well - beings or the five freedoms.
These are some actions that we can take to help. One of these are, if you want a pet, head to the local SPCA or Animal shelter. If you're thinking of owning a pet, prepare a spot for inside and outside and a path between the two always open for it. There should always be a supply of food and water.
Make a Difference- Krish Ryan
All animals need the five freedoms in order to live a happy and healthy life. Freedom from hunger and thirst which is giving food and water at all times, freedom from discomfort which means giving them a home or a shelter, freedom from pain, disease and injury,which means not leave an animal in pain or by seeking medical, freedom to express normal behaviour is to act normal as they would in the wild and freedom for love and understanding which means and give love and understanding to your pets and animals. They need a fresh supply of food and water. In addition to this they need friends or someone or a toy to keep them happy and social animals. Animals also need a reliable owner who knows their responsibilities.
Our responsibilities is taking care of animals. Our job is to take them to the vet every time they feel sick or down, plus every pet needs to have their own space and needs love and time with their owners.
We can make a difference in animals lives by giving them the five freedoms. You can also give food, and shelter, and as a responsible owner you have to give them time and love. You could also take action by teaching people the five freedoms.

By Krish Ryan Singh
Calais - Make a difference
Make a Difference
These are ideas about how animals need to live happy and healthy. Firstly, need the five freedoms to be happy and healthy. These five freedoms are, The freedom from hunger and thirst, The freedom from discomfort, The freedom pain, injury and disease, The freedom to express normal behaviour, The freedom from fear and distress.
People need responsibilities when it comes to caring for the health and well-being of animals. People need to be responsible for animals. They need to be healthy by having food. They need little tablets so they don't get worms in their tummy. Secondly, water. Water keeps animals hydrated. If pets don't get water then their body won't work well. Thirdly, love. Animals Need love because otherwise they will feel lonely.
People need responsibilities when it comes to caring for the health and well-being of animals. People need to be responsible for animals. They need to be healthy by having food. They need little tablets so they don't get worms in their tummy. Secondly, water. Water keeps animals hydrated. If pets don't get water then their body won't work well. Thirdly, love. Animals Need love because otherwise they will feel lonely.
We should take action to make a difference to the well-being of animals. Animals might be scared everyday because of the owners might be mean to them or don't play with them. Animals will runaway because of whoever isn't looking after them. Everyone could donate to the SPCA centre so animals can be taken care of. People can support the animals by helping them or volunteering at the SPCA centre.
Make a Difference- Robert.N
Make a difference
The freedoms are the answer for homeless pets, hungry animals, and for all animals that don’t express normal behaviour.
Firstly animals need fresh food and water to live a happy and healthy life. Secondly animals and pets shelter to stay warm in cold weather. Thirdly animals need to express normal behaviour. If animals don’t express normal behaviour they aren’t going to be healthy. Lastly animals and pets need to sometimes go to the vet because your animals might get sick or affected by something.
If you own dogs you should not leave them at home by thereself, because they are going to be bored and they will be alone.Another opinion is that owners must feed and give water everyday. Dogs must have something hard to chew on, to make their teeth strong. Lastly if you buy a pet you have to love it.
Finally, an action we could take is to help an owner look after their pet.Next you can donate money to a animal agency. Also if you like animals and when you are over sixteen you can work with an agency just like S.P.C. A, And they will see if you can handle animals.
Make a difference
Make a difference
For an animal to live happy and a healthy life, they need the five freedoms. Which are freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear and distress. Animals need fresh water everyday and night. Animals need food when they are hungry or when they how normal animal behaviour, give food or treat to eat. If the animal don’t have any food or water they won’t survive and they will die. If the animals don’t have anybody to look after they will be sad.
The people’s responsibilities are to give them love, food, water and also give them shelter to live in. If the animals are sick and not well , take them to the vet to make them feel better. Some of the animals like to walk. The animal’s owners need to take them for walks but only for dogs.
Dogs need for walks because they love to run, walk and be healthy. An action we can take is join the SPCA or an agency to help animals feel better. The people’s responsibilities are to look after all animals. The wellbeing animals are strong and healthy.
Make a different task
Make a difference task
All animals should have a happy and healthy life. Every living creature should have the 5 freedoms. The freedom from hunger and thirst is where every animal including pets should be fed the right amount every day and given fresh, clean and good water every day. The freedom from discomfort is that they should have a waterproof, comforting and warm place to live. Freedom from pain, injury and diseases [ medical care ] means if any animal or pet has been injured they can become better and the vet can check up on them if they get sick or ill. The freedom to express normal behaviour is where animals should have a spacious playing area or exercise area. It was a cheetah you would need lots of space. Freedom from fear and distress is everyone should have someone or a partner for life including animals
The responsibilities of pet owners include the 4 well beings for animals. Physical well being is giving them lots of space to run and the social well being is, let your pet socialise with other animals. Mental well being is treating them nicely and spiritual well being is inside the animal how they feel inside. You should teach others the 5 freedoms.
I believe that we can take action to make a difference of animals wellbeing by supporting SPCA, PAWS, WWF or the black sheep. You can also give donations at Countdown or New world. If you’re above 16 you can help the agency but they will do a interview and see if you’re nice and kind to animals. Do you want to take action and make a difference of lives.
Make a difference- Sarang
Make a difference
All animals need the freedom from hunger and thirst, they need food and water to survive. The next freedom is the freedom from discomfort. All animals need shelter like we do, because when it is raining and if they don't have have a shelter they will get cold, wet and sick. The third freedom is the freedom from pain and injury and disease. If the animals have a injury and you don't take care of the animal they suffer and might die. The fourth freedom is the freedom to express normal behaviour for example if the cat is not sleeping for long it means it is not expressing normal behaviour because they normally sleep up to 16-20 hours a day. Finally our last freedom is freedom from fear and distress. If the animal has no love and understanding they won't know how to hunt for themselves or be social.
Our responsibilities are to take care of animals. We should take it to the vet when they are sick so they can be healthy again. We could take them for a walk because if they don't exercise they will get lazy and stay in the house for the whole day. We can take them outside if they are stuck in the house all day. When they are sick we can take care of them or take it to the vet.
Some actions we can take for the well-beings of the animals are we can volunteer to be a part of the agencies. We can donate money or time to help the animal. We can tell others about the five freedoms.
By: Sarang
Make A Difference by Rishaad
Make A Difference
To me, in order for all animals to lead a happy life, they need food, water and shelter. An animal needs sufficient food and water to be healthy. Animals need a shelter to suit their lifestyle. They all need regular vet checks to be safe from disease. They should also get regular exercise. If they don't get love, they would be scared and as pet owners, we wouldn't want that.
We, as people are responsible for all our pets to live in a clean environment. They should all have access to clean water or they won't survive. If they are injured, it's our responsibility to take them to the vet. They should receive love and understanding or they could run away or die
To take action, we can donate to an animal welfare agency. You can adopt a pet to give it the second chance they need
By Rishaad
Friday, 16 June 2017
leonaitasi and the 5 freedoms
Leonaitasi and the 5 freedoms
I help to feed my pet and give him/her shelter give num water help and play with him. If he is sick or hurt I get him to the vet hospital. Animals should do what they usually do when the want. There are the 5 freedoms hunger and thirst, shelter, care, love and letting them roam like they normally would like animals.
Make a difference - Elysia.V
Make a different task - By : Leena
Make a different task
In order to make any animal healthy and happy you need to make sure that they are fed frequently and they have a balanced diet. You should make sure that you have fresh water for your pet otherwise they might not survive. The second important freedom is the shelter and the environment. Your pet should be comfortable and warm when they’re sleeping. The third freedom your pet needs is medical care. If you notice any irregular signs from your pet, you should take them to the vet every now and then. The fourth freedom is to express normal behaviour. Allow your pet to exercise otherwise, they’ll become weak and have no energy. The last and final freedom is love and understanding. If your pet does not have any love, they’ll become depressed and lonely which is not what you want. Try to encourage and support them.
If you chose to adopt a pet, it will be your responsibility to take care of it. It will become your responsibility to make sure that they have the five freedoms. I recommend that if you are not quite sure on how to notice if an animal is acting strange or looks sick, you can research on some animal welfare agency websites. Some recommendations are, the SPCA, WWF and P.A.W.S
To make a difference in the animal community, you could teach others about the five freedoms so that they could realize what we are trying to achieve for the animals. You can volunteer at your local agency and donate to help more animals in need of a second chance.
By : Leena
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Thursday, 1 June 2017
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